Vemma a scam direct selling

JUL 16 2012
Is company?
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I have been a Vemma associate member.

But to be honest, neither the product nor the system is unique.

The only advantage is that it saves manpower by using a large number of advertising letters to recruit new friends to join.

In the future, if most people have read the advertising letters, this method will no longer be effective and will become the same as traditional MLM companies.

To join Vemma you need

to pay 20 US dollars per month to maintain the website and 3,300 yuan to purchase products, so that you can have the right to receive bonuses.

If you do not pay 3,300 yuan Colombia Phone Number List per month to purchase products, you will not be able to receive bonuses even if you purchase products offline.

If you recruit some members, you can receive a system bonus of several thousand yuan every month. However, if you do not order 3,300 yuan of products every month, you will not be able to receive the system bonus. Instead, the upline will receive the system bonus.

In the end, a lot of people spent money to join the Vemma Internet Entrepreneur System, but they did not make any money and did not continue to purchase products. However, the Vemma Internet Entrepreneur System has sold the products.

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If you want to be successful

in organizational marketing, there are two important factors.

1. You must establish a “huge” consumer network

2. Continuous Colombia Phone Number List and repeated consumption

So back to the origin of the question…”Is it easy for people to join this business ? “, ” Is it easy for people to continue to consume? ”

How many new technologies and products are born around the world every day. Each product has a life cycle. Each product cannot be unique. It is necessary to realize that consumers have no loyalty…

how to retain consumers (retain terminals) Consumers, which means retaining operators! ), is a very important key!

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